Look A Little Closer

This trip from mid-October to Bill Hill in Bracknell turned out to be a lot more fruitful than I envisaged, I had passed through a few day prior and spotted the puffball mushrooms next to the fence which features about halfway through the video but on the day I filmed I put my backpack on the log to get my drone out to check out the fog, as I was putting it away I noticed the a number of clusters the other side and that’s where the first shot was found, I should’ve showed my intended shot closer but only realised after I had moved on. Once I had got to the puffball mushrooms and had go the shot that features as the thumbnail I ended up finding cluster after cluster within a few feet of the last one! Moral of the story with fungi is always keep an eye out as you can’t underestimate how close your next shot may be.

High res shots below are in order of which they appear.

Misty morning.

Believe this is a Common Bonnet, quite pleased with the even lighting.

Traffic light beech.

Puffball frogspawn

Ghoulish puffballs.

A line up of Lilac Bonnets.


A brighter beech, still can’t decide if I prefer it with the sun out or not.


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